Map of Vietnam

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Flood

The park from the balcony OMG I don't want to even think what's in this water. Later, we found a drowned rat, so just use your imagination. July 1 The Flood While we were using the internet at the school and preparing for next week’s classes, it started to rain. Actually, it started to downpour, twice as hard as last night but without the lightning. We just waited for it to stop and blithely continued to read, prep, and use the internet. I even downloaded several commentaries and a few pictures to my blog, finally. When the rain let up, we started walking home. Now, I expected some puddles in the street outside the school. They are repaving it, and right now, it’s pretty much sandy dirt and drainage rock. What I didn’t expect was what I saw when I got to the end of the alley. There was about 4 inches of standing water. Rather that walk through I don’t know what in the water, we decided to go back down the alley and around via the main street. We got abou2 blocks on the main street, and lo and behold, again, water, but this time there was about 8 inches. Back the way we came. 4 inches is better than 6 inches of standing water. Oh, but it wasn’t over. We began wading down the alley, and it got deeper. And deeper. And deeper. Finally, it was up to almost my knees! My favorite skirt was shot—I couldn’t keep it out of the water. When we got back to the hotel, I was just laughing. What else could we do? We got upstairs, and I made Anthony go in and wash his legs and feet with soap and water, then I took a shower and scrubbed down, and finally I disinfected the floor that we had walked across. I found a severed cricket leg. Joy. I was worried that we would be in lock down for hours, but I called a couple of people, and the attitude was the same: just wait; it will go away. So, Anthony and I sat on the bed and played Rummy. We’re getting pretty good at it, actually, and it’s a nice way to pass the time in the evenings…or when you are waiting for the waters to recede.  Here's a video of the rain that started it all. Actually, the rain comes about once a day, generally in the late afternoon, complete with thunder and lightening. We love to watch it all from the balcony in the safety of the hotel. We don't, however, much like getting stuck outside in it!

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